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How Has Dental Tourism Evolved in Turkey?

How Has Dental Tourism Evolved in Turkey?


Dental tourism, also known as dental travel or dental vacations, is the practice of travelling to another country for dental care, usually to save money, access better quality services, or combine dental treatment with a holiday. Dental tourism is a booming industry worldwide, with an estimated value of $5.83 billion in 2019 and a projected growth rate of 12.1% from 2020 to 2027. Among the top destinations for dental tourism, Turkey stands out as one of the most popular and attractive choices for many patients, especially from Europe, the Middle East, and North America. Turkey offers a wide range of dental procedures, from simple fillings and teeth whitening to complex implants and cosmetic dentistry, at affordable prices, high standards, and modern facilities. Turkey also boasts a rich cultural heritage, a diverse natural beauty, and a hospitable people, making it an ideal place to enjoy a vacation while getting dental care. But how did dental tourism in Turkey evolve from its humble beginnings to its current status as a major source of tourism? What are the factors that have contributed to its growth and what are the challenges it faces in the future? In this article, we will explore the history, the benefits, the drawbacks, and the prospects of dental tourism in Turkey, and provide some useful tips and information for anyone who is considering travelling to Turkey for dental work.

The Origins of Dental Tourism in Turkey

Dental tourism in Turkey has a long and interesting history, dating back to the Ottoman Empire, when Turkey was a major hub of trade, culture, and medicine in the region. The Ottoman sultans and elites were known for their lavish lifestyles and their fascination with dental care, which was considered a sign of wealth and prestige. They employed skilled dentists, called dişçi, who performed various dental procedures, such as tooth extraction, filling, cleaning, and even implanting precious stones and metals into the teeth. The Ottoman dentists also developed innovative techniques and tools, such as the dental forceps, the dental drill, and the dental mirror, which are still used today. The Ottoman dentists were highly sought after by foreign visitors, who came to Turkey for various reasons, such as trade, diplomacy, pilgrimage, or curiosity. Some of these visitors were impressed by the quality and affordability of the dental services in Turkey and decided to get their teeth done there. For example, in the 16th century, the French ambassador to the Ottoman court, Jean de La Forêt, had his teeth extracted and replaced with gold ones by an Ottoman dentist. In the 18th century, the British traveller and writer Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who lived in Turkey for two years, praised the Turkish dentists for their skill and gentleness, and recommended them to her friends and relatives in England. Thus, dental tourism in Turkey has a long tradition of attracting foreign patients who were looking for quality, affordability, and novelty in dental care.

The Growth of Dental Tourism in Turkey

Dental tourism in Turkey has experienced a remarkable growth in the past few decades, thanks to several factors that have made Turkey an attractive destination for dental patients from all over the world. Some of these factors are:

- The development of the Turkish dental sector: Turkey has invested heavily in the development of its dental sector, which now boasts more than 30,000 dentists, 6,000 dental clinics, and 300 dental laboratories. The Turkish dental sector offers a wide range of dental services, from basic to advanced, using the latest technology and equipment. The Turkish dentists are well-trained, experienced, and certified by national and international organizations, such as the Turkish Dental Association, the European Federation of Periodontology, and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. The Turkish dental sector also follows strict hygiene and quality standards, and adheres to the principles of evidence-based dentistry.

- The affordability of the dental services: One of the main reasons why many patients choose Turkey for dental care is the low cost of the dental services, compared to other countries. According to a study by the International Medical Travel Journal, Turkey offers dental services at an average of 70% cheaper than in the UK, 80% cheaper than in the US, and 50% cheaper than in Germany. For example, a dental implant in Turkey costs around $800, while in the UK it costs around $3,000, in the US it costs around $4,000, and in Germany it costs around $1,600. The low cost of the dental services in Turkey is mainly due to the low cost of living, the favorable exchange rate, and the government subsidies for the dental sector.

- The accessibility of the dental services: Another factor that makes Turkey a convenient destination for dental patients is the easy accessibility of the dental services, both in terms of travel and availability. Turkey is well-connected to the rest of the world by air, land, and sea, with more than 50 international airports, 200 seaports, and 100 border crossings. Turkey also offers visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry for citizens of more than 100 countries, making it easy for patients to travel to Turkey without much hassle. Moreover, Turkey has a high availability of dental services, with many dental clinics operating 24/7, offering same-day appointments, and providing emergency care. The dental clinics also offer online consultation, booking, and payment services, as well as free transportation, accommodation, and translation services for their patients.

The Growth of Dental Tourism in Turkey

Dental tourism in Turkey has experienced a remarkable growth in the past few decades, thanks to several factors that have made Turkey an attractive destination for dental patients from all over the world. Some of these factors are:

- The development of the Turkish dental sector: Turkey has invested heavily in the development of its dental sector, which now boasts more than 30,000 dentists, 6,000 dental clinics, and 300 dental laboratories. The Turkish dental sector offers a wide range of dental services, from basic to advanced, using the latest technology and equipment. The Turkish dentists are well-trained, experienced, and certified by national and international organizations, such as the Turkish Dental Association, the European Federation of Periodontology, and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. The Turkish dental sector also follows strict hygiene and quality standards, and adheres to the principles of evidence-based dentistry.

- The affordability of the dental services: One of the main reasons why many patients choose Turkey for dental care is the low cost of the dental services, compared to other countries. According to a study by the International Medical Travel Journal, Turkey offers dental services at an average of 70% cheaper than in the UK, 80% cheaper than in the US, and 50% cheaper than in Germany. For example, a dental implant in Turkey costs around $800, while in the UK it costs around $3,000, in the US it costs around $4,000, and in Germany it costs around $1,600. The low cost of the dental services in Turkey is mainly due to the low cost of living, the favorable exchange rate, and the government subsidies for the dental sector.

- The accessibility of the dental services: Another factor that makes Turkey a convenient destination for dental patients is the easy accessibility of the dental services, both in terms of travel and availability. Turkey is well-connected to the rest of the world by air, land, and sea, with more than 50 international airports, 200 seaports, and 100 border crossings. Turkey also offers visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry for citizens of more than 100 countries, making it easy for patients to travel to Turkey without much hassle. Moreover, Turkey has a high availability of dental services, with many dental clinics operating 24/7, offering same-day appointments, and providing emergency care. The dental clinics also offer online consultation, booking, and payment services, as well as free transportation, accommodation, and translation services for their patients.

The Benefits of Dental Tourism in Turkey

Dental tourism in Turkey offers many benefits for patients who are looking for quality, affordable, and convenient dental care. Some of these benefits are:

- The improvement of oral health and appearance: Dental tourism in Turkey allows patients to access a variety of dental procedures that can improve their oral health and appearance, such as dental implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, braces, invisalign, root canal treatment, gum surgery, teeth whitening, and smile makeover. These procedures can help patients restore their teeth function, prevent dental problems, enhance their smile, and boost their confidence.

- The saving of money and time: Dental tourism in Turkey enables patients to save money and time by getting their dental work done at a fraction of the cost and time they would spend in their home countries. Patients can save up to 80% on their dental bills by travelling to Turkey, and also enjoy lower prices for accommodation, transportation, and food. Patients can also save time by getting their dental work done faster and more efficiently in Turkey, as the dental clinics offer flexible schedules, short waiting times, and quick recovery times. Patients can also combine their dental treatment with a holiday, and explore the beauty and culture of Turkey, without spending much extra time or money.

- The satisfaction of the dental services: Dental tourism in Turkey provides patients with a high level of satisfaction and comfort with the dental services they receive. Patients can expect to receive personalized and professional care from the Turkish dentists, who are friendly, courteous, and attentive to their needs and preferences. Patients can also enjoy the modern and comfortable facilities of the dental clinics, which are equipped with the latest technology and equipment, and follow strict hygiene and quality standards. Patients can also benefit from the comprehensive and transparent services of the dental clinics, which include online consultation, booking, and payment, free transportation, accommodation, and translation, and aftercare and warranty. Patients can also rely on the positive reviews and testimonials of other patients who have travelled to Turkey for dental work, and share their experiences and feedback online.

The Challenges of Dental Tourism in Turkey

Dental tourism in Turkey, despite its many advantages, also poses some challenges and risks for patients who are considering travelling to Turkey for dental work. Some of these challenges and risks are:

- The quality and safety of the dental services: Although Turkey has a high standard of dental care, there are still some variations in the quality and safety of the dental services offered by different dental clinics and dentists. Some dental clinics and dentists may not have the proper qualifications, certifications, or experience to perform certain dental procedures, or may use substandard materials, equipment, or techniques. This can result in poor outcomes, complications, infections, or injuries for the patients. Therefore, patients should do their research and check the credentials, reputation, and reviews of the dental clinics and dentists they choose, and avoid the ones that offer unrealistically low prices, unrealistic guarantees, or dubious claims.

- The legal and ethical issues of the dental services: Another challenge that patients may face when travelling to Turkey for dental work is the legal and ethical issues of the dental services. Some dental procedures, such as cosmetic dentistry, may not be regulated or approved by the authorities in the patients' home countries, or may have different standards or requirements. This can create problems for the patients if they need to seek legal recourse, insurance coverage, or follow-up care in their home countries, or if they face any adverse effects or complications from the dental procedures. Moreover, some dental procedures, such as dental implants, may involve the use of human or animal tissue or organs, which may raise ethical concerns for some patients, especially if they are not informed or consented properly. Therefore, patients should be aware of the legal and ethical implications of the dental procedures they choose, and consult with their local dentists, lawyers, or insurers before travelling to Turkey for dental work.

- The cultural and linguistic barriers of the dental services: A third challenge that patients may encounter when travelling to Turkey for dental work is the cultural and linguistic barriers of the dental services. Turkey has a different culture, language, and religion than many of the patients' home countries, which can create misunderstandings, miscommunications, or conflicts between the patients and the dental staff. Some patients may not be comfortable or familiar with the Turkish customs, norms, or etiquette, or may face discrimination or prejudice based on their nationality, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Some patients may also have difficulty communicating with the dental staff, who may not speak or understand their language, or may have different accents or expressions. This can affect the quality and satisfaction of the dental services, as well as the patients' safety and comfort. Therefore, patients should respect and appreciate the Turkish culture, language, and religion, and seek the help of professional translators, interpreters, or guides when travelling to Turkey for dental work.

The Challenges of Dental Tourism in Turkey

Dental tourism in Turkey, despite its many advantages, also poses some challenges and risks for patients who are considering travelling to Turkey for dental work. Some of these challenges and risks are:

- The quality and safety of the dental services: Although Turkey has a high standard of dental care, there are still some variations in the quality and safety of the dental services offered by different dental clinics and dentists. Some dental clinics and dentists may not have the proper qualifications, certifications, or experience to perform certain dental procedures, or may use substandard materials, equipment, or techniques. This can result in poor outcomes, complications, infections, or injuries for the patients. Therefore, patients should do their research and check the credentials, reputation, and reviews of the dental clinics and dentists they choose, and avoid the ones that offer unrealistically low prices, unrealistic guarantees, or dubious claims.

- The legal and ethical issues of the dental services: Another challenge that patients may face when travelling to Turkey for dental work is the legal and ethical issues of the dental services. Some dental procedures, such as cosmetic dentistry, may not be regulated or approved by the authorities in the patients' home countries, or may have different standards or requirements. This can create problems for the patients if they need to seek legal recourse, insurance coverage, or follow-up care in their home countries, or if they face any adverse effects or complications from the dental procedures. Moreover, some dental procedures, such as dental implants, may involve the use of human or animal tissue or organs, which may raise ethical concerns for some patients, especially if they are not informed or consented properly. Therefore, patients should be aware of the legal and ethical implications of the dental procedures they choose, and consult with their local dentists, lawyers, or insurers before travelling to Turkey for dental work.

- The cultural and linguistic barriers of the dental services: A third challenge that patients may encounter when travelling to Turkey for dental work is the cultural and linguistic barriers of the dental services. Turkey has a different culture, language, and religion than many of the patients' home countries, which can create misunderstandings, miscommunications, or conflicts between the patients and the dental staff. Some patients may not be comfortable or familiar with the Turkish customs, norms, or etiquette, or may face discrimination or prejudice based on their nationality, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Some patients may also have difficulty communicating with the dental staff, who may not speak or understand their language, or may have different accents or expressions. This can affect the quality and satisfaction of the dental services, as well as the patients' safety and comfort. Therefore, patients should respect and appreciate the Turkish culture, language, and religion, and seek the help of professional translators, interpreters, or guides when travelling to Turkey for dental work.

The Future of Dental Tourism in Turkey

Dental tourism in Turkey has a bright and promising future, as Turkey continues to improve and expand its dental sector, and attract more and more patients from different countries and regions. Turkey aims to become a global leader and a pioneer in dental tourism, by offering innovative and cutting-edge dental services, such as digital dentistry, 3D printing, stem cell therapy, and nanotechnology. Turkey also plans to diversify and enhance its dental tourism products, by creating specialized dental tourism zones, clusters, and packages, that cater to the specific needs and preferences of different segments of patients, such as families, couples, seniors, or business travelers. Turkey also intends to increase its competitiveness and reputation in dental tourism, by strengthening its cooperation and collaboration with international organizations, associations, and networks, such as the International Medical Travel Journal, the Medical Tourism Association, and the Global Healthcare Travel Council. Turkey also hopes to overcome its challenges and risks in dental tourism, by addressing the quality and safety issues, the legal and ethical issues, and the cultural and linguistic barriers, that may affect the satisfaction and comfort of the patients. Turkey also aspires to create a positive and lasting impact on its society and economy, by generating more income, employment, and investment opportunities, as well as promoting its culture, heritage, and values, through dental tourism.


Dental tourism in Turkey is a phenomenon that has evolved from its early beginnings to its current status as a major source of tourism. Dental tourism in Turkey offers many benefits for patients who are looking for quality, affordable, and convenient dental care, such as the improvement of oral health and appearance, the saving of money and time, and the satisfaction of the dental services. Dental tourism in Turkey also faces some challenges and risks that may affect the quality and safety of the dental services, such as the legal and ethical issues, and the cultural and linguistic barriers. Dental tourism in Turkey has a bright and promising future, as Turkey continues to improve and expand its dental sector, and attract more and more patients from different countries and regions. Dental tourism in Turkey is a phenomenon that deserves attention and appreciation, as it reflects the innovation, excellence, and hospitality of the Turkish dental sector and the Turkish people.

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